Friday, December 24, 2010


I forgot to mention that my last semester at BYU I also took a bookbinding class. It was very fun and not too terribly time consuming. The best part was that my teacher was super awesome and gave me an A even though I didn't get stuff turned in by the final, or get all the projects done since I had babies instead. Well, I finished 3 books in the class, a coptic binding (the one with no spine, just sewing), a flat back book or modern book, and a paper case book. All are different and implement different sewing and gluing, etc.
Well, the fun thing is that now I am the one teaching other people how to do bookbinding! Since we've come to Indiana, I have been teaching Susan (Josh's mom), and her friend Nancy how to make books. They both have made two coptic bound books so far, and we just began our flat back book two weeks ago. I am very proud of their books, and glad that Brent could cut the binder's board square for us. Not having the bookbinding lab with all its nice paper cutters, hole punchers, presses, and other tools, sure does make bookbinding a little more difficult. Nancy even took one of the books she made with her to Nicaragua this past week and used it as a group journal for her volunteer group.

Also, I am working on a commission for Nancy, a drawing of her two daughters. I am trying to finish it before we leave, but time is limited when we're trying to get things organized before the move and deal with babies every day, but I've been working during their naps and after their bedtimes. I just might have to pull an all-nighter like I used to in college to finish it. But, if worst come to worst I will finish it after we move.

If you are interested in bookbinding, or making your own books, let me know, and I can get you some more information.

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